Your Monday Minute - Get into Gratitude

It's November! The holiday season is officially on its way with Thanksgiving as the kick-off! You might be surprised to learn that November 1st is actually the first day of the Celtic New Year. To me, it is the perfect time to begin a practice of gratitude and start your 'new year' off right! 

By the time the holidays of Thanksgiving and Christmas are upon us, we'll already be basking in the glow of gratitude and thanks-giving. But why is Gratitude so important? Because when we live in a state of gratitude we are happier and healthier. It's a fact. Even Web M.D. says so!

Watch this week's Your Monday Minute for more on the power of gratitude. Then, join in on my 30-day Gratitude Challenge on Facebook or right here on the blog. Just post what you're grateful for each day! 

A weekly series reminding you how much you matter! This week, hear how practicing gratitude makes you a happier person, plain and simple! Learn more and join in on 30-days of gratitude!


But don't take it from me. Try it for yourself and come back and tell us about it. Joining in? I invite you to leave a commit by leaving a comment below! I love you!