When You Play Small, You Stay Small

Recently, I had the opportunity to present for Unity (Church) of Grand Rapids on Happiness. I spoke about happiness as our Divine Responsibility. God (or Source, or however you label the higher power of your own understanding) created us this vessel, our physical body, to contain our Spirit. It seems logical that we’re meant to do our best to maintain it! To love and care for ourselves at least as well as we love and care for others. To be of service to others, we have to also service ourselves.

I shared with the Unity Congregation the 7 main areas of happiness and began, as always, with the foundation. The foundation of our happiness is to take responsibility for it, to show up as a victor in life and not a victim. Because when you play victim, you give all of your power away. You play small and, therefore, you stay small. The power to change our experience lies within us.

That power is the power of awareness. After my talk, my friend and keynote speaker, John Davis, took this a step further. He asked us to look within and find the reason that we’re keeping ourselves “compressed.” Because once we’re aware of the fears that are holding us back, we can pull them out like weeds. We can use our logical mind to assess them and our inner Truth to counter them with new, supportive beliefs.

If you’re not sure just how to do that, you’re not alone. The good news is that I can help you do it and I’ll be doing it tomorrow! On Wednesday, June 9th, at 11:00am EST, you can join me for a free workshop to begin creating a life you love. This starts with awareness! So we’ll be taking a listen to that inner voice and paying attention to what it says. Then, we’ll learn how to lovingly release its criticisms and replace them with beliefs that support and serve us. Join us? You can register here via Meetup or here directly via Zoom.