February Purification: Burn Away Harmful Habits and Make Way for Healthier New Ones

According to Ancient Romans, February is a time for purification and cleansing before the transformation of spring begins in March. It follows this period of reflection as the New Year begins, when many of us resolve to start fresh with healthier habits - perhaps giving up sugar or adding daily exercise to our routines. Research shows, however, that by this point in the year, most of us have already given up on those resolutions.

Welcome February

If you committed to new, healthier habits in January, or created a dedicated theme for your year, are you still taking action toward your intention? If not, why not? If not, why not begin again? Purify, cleanse, release, and renew.

Not sure where to begin your purification process? Here are a few suggestions.

Tam’s Top 10 Tips for February Cleansing (and no, I’m not going to suggest a juice cleanse, so stick with me):

1) Start with your closets. Our "stuff" affects our energy, whether we think so or not. Take an hour and Marie Kondo that space! Grab a big box or bag and clear out any casual wear that you haven't worn in a year. Go through your business clothes and clear out anything that no longer fits. If you're not actively taking action toward the body of your dreams, rid yourself of the reminder of what you aren't accomplishing and choose to accept your new normal. Keep the clothes that you feel good in and that make you feel attractive and sexy just as you are. Yes, business-wear can feel sexy. If it doesn't, donate! Finally, look through your fancy dresses or suits and do the same. Keep the ones that light you up and you know for sure you'll wear again (yes, one day we'll be able to join together for big, fancy parties!) and donate the rest.

2. Surfaces!!! If you're anything like me, flat surfaces around the house become a host for piles of papers, books, and other random items that I have no idea where to store. Take the time to figure it out or throw it out! Then, dust or wash so that it looks shiny and new. If it's a dresser, keep it clear except for a few meaningful momentos or a jewelry box. A dining table... use it for dining! A lovely centerpiece will remind you to keep it clean. Invest in some storage if you have pictures or papers that need to be organized. Yes, this one might take longer than an hour and it's worth it to look around and FEEL how clear your space is.

3. Do a mind dump! One of the most cluttered areas in our lives is our minds. Did you know that on average we have 60,000 thoughts a day and 95% of them are the same ones that we had the day before and the day before that and the day before that and... you get the picture. Take 30 minutes to journal out all of the repeating thoughts that keep cluttering your brain space. Ask yourself the question, what thoughts do I keep thinking? Is it a conversation that you wish had gone better or one that you're rehearsing? Is it self-criticism that feels so natural that you barely notice it anymore? It's time to start noticing. All change begins with awareness and intention. So start paying attention and dump those thoughts! (PS - I’m amazing at helping people with this, so if you’re ready to get serious on this subject, contact me!)

4. Digital Detox: Take a day or two off of your devices. I did this in January and it created so much more space in my mind and my day. The things you can accomplish when you stop scrolling! Not to mention, after just 8 hours, I stopped thinking in short Facebook status updates. Do you do that? I did. We have enough natural chatter in our minds, which you’ll be especially aware once you’ve done the mind dump from above; we just don’t need the added conversations that Social Media adds.

5. Speaking of FB… isn’t it time to clean-up your feed? I swear by a carefully curated Facebook Feed for maximum enjoyment and minimum stress when I am on that platform. Contrary to popular belief, you do not have to be “friends” with every person you’ve ever known in your life. You don’t even have to be Facebook friends with your family. In fact, not being FB friends with one of my siblings is a credit to our relationship. I like him more when I don’t see the things that we vehemently disagree upon.

6. Watch what you’re watching - (Mal)Nourishment comes in many forms. Everything that you’re taking into your body and mind is effecting you. You might not think that 11 o’clock news program is upsetting your sleep, but what are you dreaming about? Watching serial killer shows right before bed? Bet they’re creeping in, as well. Spend a week reducing your TV/Netflix/Other viewing and try watching only programs that are educational or uplifting. Just for a week! Not a whole lifetime. No big, violent action flicks or dark tales of murder and mayhem. Try reading a book instead or watching rom coms. And, if sleep is a trouble spot for you, turn it all off two hours before bed to help your mind settle down before you try to do the same.

7. Peruse the perimeter! Now that you have more time on your hands (since you’re off of your devices… after you finish reading this, obviously), take another look around your home, especially around the walls. What are you stacking or storing that you no longer need? What else can you give away, donate, or trash? Is there an old, ugly couch in the corner that you haven’t bothered to drop at the curb, but you haven't sat on for years? How about your kitchen? A broken robot vacuum that you only wish would work? Do you really need 3 different coffee makers, griddles, or fruit baskets? Clear away the old and make some space for the new (not new stuff! New energy!).

8. Now, clean. You have less to move or go around, so give your home a good clean. Wash those windows, do your annual mopping (wait, is that just me?), and wipe down the baseboards. Give it a refresh. Consider it exercise. Cleaning burns calories, so it’s like a two for one!

9. Time for fire… symbolically or with incense and candles. Now that your home is clear of clutter and clean, your mind is running more efficiently with less to bog it down, so light some sage or your favorite scent of incense, some candles, and then turn on Barry White… wait, wrong topic… Back to the cleanse… Symbolically burn away old energies that no longer serve you. Set an intention to continually cleanse and purify yourself throughout the year to keep this new vibrancy that you’re feeling inside and out.

10. Take a bath! This one is really just for fun, but it fits the theme. You have the candles lit already. Why not top off all of this cleaning and decluttering of your homes (body home and physical home) with a good, hot soak? It’s the epitome of cleansing and purifying. Add some bath salts. Make it a ceremony. Begin again, committed to this new, cleaner, clearer you. Then, rock on with your bad self. ;)