We All Start Somewhere

Hey beautiful friends,

Let's get real for a minute. We are all starting from somewhere. We don't just skip the hard parts and show up with our ideal life, completely loving ourselves and our experience, out of the blue. It takes effort and attention. To help you recognize and remember that it's a process, today I'm sharing with you where I started.

Just over 7 years ago, I was a mess. I was 14 years into an abusive marriage, alternating between knowing that I was stuck with it forever and wishing that he would have a Regarding Henry moment. If you don’t know what that means, it’s from a Harrison Ford flick of the same name where he’s a massive jerk, gets shot in the head, and then is suddenly the nicest guy in the world. I felt too guilty when I wished that my husband would die, we have 3 kids, after all, so I wished for the better option.

It didn’t happen. I was on a journey, after trying everything else to fix our marriage, to simply fix myself. If I did all of that Law of Attraction shit and got myself to my happy place, then my husband would magically raise up to match my heightened frequency and all would be butterflies and unicorns in my world.

It didn’t happen. What did happen is that he gave me “permission” to go to Norway for 4-days to become a Certified Passion Test Facilitator (we were living in the UK at the time, so it wasn’t that far). He wanted me to be able to bring in income and my parents floated us a loan to help me live my dream, so it was a win-win. That 4-days changed my entire life.

  • I learned that I was lying to myself.

  • I learned what the word “authentic” meant. I wasn’t it.

  • I learned that the only thing stuck was my mindset.

The way to learn is by doing, so I spent 4 days with some of the most amazing people I’ve ever met, learning more about myself than I ever imagined that I could. There was a whole lot of truth-telling, learning new processes, unlearning programming, mindset work, and intense emotional breakthroughs, both my own and witnessing others.

  • I learned the process of The Passion Test and how to identify what I wanted my ideal life to look like.

  • I learned Byron Katie’s The Work so that I could question my thoughts and befriend reality.

  • I learned that the first step to changing my life was accepting the truth of it.

My #1 Passion became “Living authentically from my heart and soul.” It won out over my children and my marriage because, I learned, nothing mattered more than my relationship with myself. If I disliked and disrespected myself, how could anyone else like or respect me, truly?

There are about 17 more stories from there to where I am now… “evolutions,” perhaps, is the better word. 7 years later, I’ve nearly perfected this process of creating my ideal life. I do it again and again and again and gloriously, I make a living teaching others to do the same. I help people to recognize that inside of our minds is the only place we’re ever stuck. I teach them how to go deep within, identify what matters the most to them in all areas of their life, and I teach them how to align their lives with those things so that every single day becomes more joyful and fulfilling. And every time I see a client living her dream life, mine only gets better.

Where did you, or are you, starting from? Tell us a story in the comments or in your own post.

Be patient and loving with yourself along the way. Are you clear on where you want to be? Clarity helps you get there. If you need help, I'm here.

We all start somewhere..png