Change is Not a Prerequisite for Happiness

Situations don't always get better. People might never change. We don't have control over those external things. But you know what you do have control over? How you respond to them.

Respond. Responsibility. The ability to respond.

This is where your control lies. No matter the situation. No matter the person that you're dealing with. No matter for how long you have it or them to deal with... you always have the ability to respond in a way that is respectful. Not to them... to you.

Behaving in a way that builds your own self-respect is what matters here. Responding in a way that feels right and good - not shit!y. Not petty. Not low like they can go. Oh, sure... you can run all of those scenarios through your head or with a trusted friend... trust me, it feels good to get it out. But when you actually respond - take the high road. You'll feel good about yourself. And that other person? They don't matter. What they think of you is none of your business.

That situation? It doesn't have to change. You don't *need* it to change to be happier or to feel better about it. Doing your best, on the high road, is enough. You are enough.

#createalifeyoulove #divorce #narcissist #highroad #selfrespect