Do You Walk Your Talk?

My integrity is a guiding force in my life ever since the first time I took the Passion Test and realized how out of alignment I was from the life that I wanted and the life that I was actually living.

When I'm choosing in favor of my Passions, I am in alignment. When I am walking my talk, I am in alignment and in integrity. When my words don't match up with my actions I feel discord in my body. As if the parts within me are somewhat out of place. I am my own spiritual chiropractor and so I adjust. Sometimes it takes mere minutes, sometimes days, and sometimes much, much longer. And the awareness is there and the discomfort and discord grow stronger and louder until once again, I take action and make changes so that I feel back in integrity. Back in alignment with my highest Self. With my Passions. With the life that I am choosing to create on a daily basis.

When I am in integrity, my respect for myself grows. When I am living with integrity my love for myself grows.

If you struggle with your relationship with yourself, with loving or respecting yourself, notice if your walk matches your talk. If it doesn't, perhaps it's time to adjust your step and realign. Need help doing so? Reach out. Email me and let's chat. We're meant to feel good in our lives. Integrity is our guide. Let's get you back into yours.