Keep Failing at Creating a Life You Love? Here's Why...

So many people that I work with share the core belief that they are not enough. Not good enough, not smart enough, not thin enough, not attractive enough, not outgoing enough, not a good enough cook, a good enough parent, a good enough friend, a good enough (insert professional title), or a good enough anything.

The script running in the background with that belief keeps you disconnected from living your fullest, biggest, best life. We limit ourselves because what underlies that "not good enough" belief is that we don't *deserve* the life we desire. You don't deserve it because you're not enough.

I want you to know that it isn't true, my friends. You are enough and you do deserve to create and live a life that you love. You deserve it now. You don't need another degree, certification (yeah, I'm talking to myself here, too 😊 ), promotion, partner, or ego-boost of any form because the life we love doesn't come from our ego. Believing you're enough and having true confidence does not come from your Ego. It comes from the deepest center of your heart and soul.

If you're a spiritual person, and you most likely are to some degree since you're here, you must know that Creator/Source/God/theUniverse (whatever name you put on it) does not make mistakes. They make perfection. You arrived here perfect and you will leave here perfect and it's up to you what you'll be in-between... and you're perfect. Just as you are.

If you don't get the promotion/the raise/ the girlfriend / the house / the whatever, it doesn't mean you weren't good enough or that you don't deserve it. It means that it isn't meant for you right now, in this time and place. You are being guided toward your most perfect experience, so lament not. Trust that where you are along your path is exactly where you're meant to be. You're not off the path, you're not missing the path, you are on your path. Every step of your life has been exactly where you were meant to be, even the rockiest, muddiest, most challenging areas. They brought you here, didn't they? And this is where you belong.

You can heal the relationship with yourself just like you can heal a rift with a friend or a lover. You need only to be willing to try and then to make a commitment to treating yourself in a more loving... or if that feels like too much to start with... a kinder way.

Start to become aware of the way that you speak to yourself in your mind and if you have a bully in there, allow yourself to start writing up its termination contract. You don't need that bully anymore. It has served you and now its service is no longer required. Thank it, give it a severance package, and send it on its way.

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