He Dumped the Contents of our Closet on the Floor...

One time when we were kids, my dad came into the room my sister and I shared and he was ticked about our messy closet. Like seriously angry. He took every shelf out of our closet (there were 8 or 10 between us) and dumped them in the middle of our bedroom floor. It made a huge, gigantic pile of mess. We weren't allowed to leave the room until it was all cleaned up and in order.

Damn, right? But, guess what happened? We moved through that mess item by item, deciding what was worth keeping and what could be tossed. One thing at a time.

It took a little while because no positive change is instantaneous. It hurt a little because saying goodbye to things we've held onto for so long can stir up some grief, but in the end... it was glorious.

We put what we kept back on the shelves all neat and organized like. So much so that we were able to make an entire apartment community for our Barbies. Our closet became a playland that turned into hours of fun for us. And it never would have happened if not for that big, giant mess of our closet's contents in the middle of the floor.

Change is hard at first, messy in the middle, and beautiful at the end.

Our minds are just like that closet and at this point in life, they are often pretty darn messy. My sister and I did not want to clean up that mess, but we did it together, had fun along the way, and were so happy and grateful for the result.

Working with me is like cleaning out a closet that you've avoided for years. I'm right there with you, helping you decide what to keep and what to release and we even have some fun along the way. Plus, the results? So, so good. You feel clearer, lighter, and excited about life again.

So, what are you waiting for? Book a Breakthrough Session with me. It's free and you're going to learn something that opens you, expands you, and may even have life-changing impact.

And I know that might be the very reason you haven't booked a call with me before. Because even thinking about change can feel hard and scary. Most human beings hate change and avoid change and there are biological and neurological reasons why. We can talk about why on the call.

I'll say it again: change is hard at first. Messy in the middle, and gorgeous at the end.

And you can do hard things.
Book your Breakthrough Session Here.
#lowerstress #selfcare #TimewithTamara #youareworthit