Nature's Greatest Guidance - The Cycle of Contraction and Expansion

One of the most important things that I’ve ever learned in personal development is that we are always in one of two states - either expansion or contraction. We cycle through both of them on a regular basis, sometimes spending just seconds in contraction before we gracefully shift back into expansion. Sometimes, especially during our more challenging days, it can take longer.

There’s a fun exercise that we do in my happiness classes that you can try now. Curl into a little ball and scrunch up your face like a grumpy old man! Then, say out loud to yourself, “I feel happy.” Notice how you feel. It probably isn’t very happy!

Now, do the opposite. Throw your arms wide open, expand your heart, and put a great, big smile on your face! In your most enthusiastic voice, say out loud, “I feel depressed!” Notice again how you feel. Even though you said the words, “I feel depressed,” you’re probably still smiling and feeling better than you did a minute ago!

The truth is that it is hard to feel depressed when we’re expanded, and hard to feel happy when we’re contracted. Contraction can feel like sadness, anger, frustration, fatigue, unease, disease… you get the picture. Expansion feels the opposite. When we’re expanded we have more energy, we’re vibrant, we feel more connected to ourselves and the world around us. It’s a great place to be. And it’s vital to note that it is natural for us to cycle through and between the two.

We can use these states like a gps, i.e. Nature’s Guidance System, showing us the way. Guiding us to what feels good in our lives. If we’re contracted, we’re being an opportunity to look within and see what story we’re telling ourselves, where we are out of alignment, and what we need to begin stepping back into expansion.

I like to imagine it like a stoplight. You might want to speed up and plow right through a yellow light, but you know that if you do, there’s a risk of it being red by the time you go through it and crashing is possible. Our contracted feelings are like that yellow light, warning us to slow down and pay attention. Perhaps even stop for a bit… go within… rest. That’s why I now think of it as an opportunity for greater self-care. If you’re feeling contracted, take some time out to honor your feelings and take care of yourself. You’re worth it.

Want to learn more about Nature’s Guidance System? Buy the book here! From Sad to Glad is a great resource for you and your family!