Rations of Happiness for Women

The world will only tolerate a happy woman for so long.-3.png

Do you agree? Is this true? I was listening to Glennon Doyle's brilliant podcast as I got ready this morning. The topic was on fun, and the fact that so many women have either forgotten their fun in the course of their adult responsibilities as mother, wife, sister, daughter, friend, worker, etc... (because our lists are long), or we never learned how to have it in the first place. Are either of those true for you?

I know for certain that I had to relearn what "fun" was after my divorce. I hadn't been "allowed" to have fun in so long that I had forgotten what lit me up from within. I had stopped doing and finally forgotten the things that brought me out-of-body joy. What made me forget everything around me, get out of my head, and simply be in an experience. After my divorce, the Universe provided me with opportunity in the form of friends and I committed to creating more fun and light in my life. Now I have a lot of it on a regular basis. 😊

This quote struck me. Is it true? Will the world only tolerate a happy woman for so long? Do we have to show every struggle and vulnerability to be valid or valued? Do we have to be martyrs? Am I only allowed to be happy now because I stayed for so long in a toxic, abusive marriage? And only for a little while because otherwise it will make people uncomfortable?

What do you think? Does this make you want to drop a few F-bombs like it does me? Let me hear from you in the comments.