Love or Fear?

I just finished cleaning the main level of my home. My partner, Mike, comes home after nearly 2-weeks on the road and I want him to come home to a clean, peaceful, clutter-free house that feels good to be in. Now, honestly, Mike probably wouldn't even notice if it wasn't "clean" (to MY standards) and he certainly wouldn't be upset if there was just as much pet hair on the rugs as there was before he left. But I care.

My big moment of awareness just now was noticing how good it felt to clean for him out of love instead of fear. When I was married, I had to make sure the house was ship shape and everything was in it's place multiple times a day or I'd have to deal with anger or the silent treatment, subtly-woven insults, and occasionally broken things. So, I was angry and resented my husband, my home, and even my kids because they were supposed to be perfectly in order, too.

It took years to release the trauma from a 15-year marriage to a highly controlling, angry, emotionally abusive, high-functioning alcoholic and today shows that there are still light layers of it hanging around. But they don't hurt anymore. When those moments pop up, it feels like relief and a victory. Because I've made healthier choices for myself. I've done deep work and it shows up in this peaceful, happy body and mind. It shows up in my partnership where there are two healthy humans doing their work separately and together.

One of the ways we keep ourselves stuck is by blaming our past and the people in it for our unhappiness. For the reasons why we can't be happy now or in a healthy relationship or a healthy body. But the past is behind us and we can always make new choices as we move forward.

If you're living from past pain, I know how to help you. I've done it and guided hundreds of clients to move out of the past and into today, plus, looking forward to create a different, happier, future. If it's possible for me, for them, then it is possible for you, too.

My group program's doors are still open. Let's walk through them together. DM me or visit my website now to sign up.

Attention Overwhelmed and Unhappy People!

Are you feeling unhappy and overwhelmed? You want to love life, but there’s too much stress and too many people who are asking for more each and every day?

We all want to be happier and did you know that greater happiness doesn’t just feel better, but that happier people actually sleep better, live an average of 9-years longer, and make around a million dollars more over the course of their lifetime than their unhappier counterparts? 

Unhappiness is an epidemic, but the good news is that science has actually cracked the happiness code and so have I! We now know what it takes to be happier and I’ve supported hundreds of people using this process to cultivate lasting happiness in their lives and I want to share it with you. 

Our happiness impacts every aspect of our lives!Imagine what your life will feel like when you feel better in your body, you’re more purposeful  in your work, and you’re enjoying deeper, more fulfilling relationships? 

Ready for greater happiness? Register here:

In this free Masterclass - Authentic Happiness - 3 Keys to Creating Greater Happiness from the Inside Out! I’ll share the structure that I’ve created, used for myself to move from misery to being one of the happiest people I know, and that I’ve utilized to coach hundreds of people into greater happiness. You’ll

  • Lay the foundation for authentic happiness,

  • Rediscover what makes you feel alive, and

  • Practice strategies to teach you your full body aligned 'yes' and 'no'

    so that you can start to fall in love with your life.

    Register now to attend:

    Register to attend:
    *** You must click the link to register to attend, in advance! Be sure to register through the link today!

From Stuck and Sad to Fulfilled and Joyful! Creating A Life I Love (and you can, too!)

9 Years ago today, I woke up in Oslo, Norway, ready to begin a training that would change the course of my entire life.

At the time, I had given up trying to make my marriage work (I had already tried everything). Instead, I was trying to figure out how to find myself again. I was so lost in the years of giving away my voice for my then-husband's comfort, trying everything to please him and be a "good wife." I barely knew who I was anymore, but I knew that I wanted be a better mom than I was being and I wanted to feel happy again. I wanted to feel at peace with where I was in my life and to stop wishing for it to be different.

The day I woke up in Oslo, divorce still wasn't an option in my mind. My family was my priority, or so I thought.

Over the course of 4 long, intense days of deep inner work with the love and accountability of Janet Attwood herself (creator of The Passion Test) and her amazing trainers, my heart broke free. My soul started singing again. My stuck mindset began to shift and I tapped into my dreams of what I wanted for my life again. My life. Not my husband's. Mine. 🫶 There I was.

My #1 Passion became "I am living authentically from my heart and soul." I learned the formula to make that a reality and the secret that guaranteed it and I began to live it. No more lying to myself. No more Stepford Wife to make sure my husband didn't get mad at me for being me. No more. I had felt the spark of my authentic self once again, for the first time in so many years, and I was never going to let it fade out again. I still haven't. 💖

Another passion, though I can't recall where it fell in my top 5, was "I am experiencing a happy, harmonious family life." I wasn't considering divorce yet, but I also wasn't making it about my husband or my marriage, specifically. One of my markers for that passion was that I "speak with loving kindness to my children," and that I hear them laughing and playing respectfully together all of the time. They were little at the time - just 8, 7, and 4.

➡️Fast forward to last night - I'm happily divorced and even more happily partnered with an incredible man who loves me for exactly who I am. He's still in Florida, where we recently took an amazing vacation together. My kids and I were having dinner together in our beautiful home. I felt my heart growing in my chest, bursting with love and gratitude as I watched them interacting, talking, laughing together, with respect. With kindness. My 3 teenagers do not fight. My kids haven't fought with each other for years. Once I began modeling calm, respectful, loving tones and behaviors, my kids reflected it, too. We have a beautifully happy and harmonious family life today (with the realistic challenges and struggles that teens dealing with anxiety, gender identity, and puberty along with the good stuff).

⚡️Every single year, sometimes twice, I make a new list of passions and continually align my life with what matters the most to me, now. Every single year, my life gets more and more beautiful from the inside out. Every single year, I am more *me* than ever and I love and respect the woman that I am. The beautiful parts, the raw parts, the clumsy parts, the fun parts... all of me. I love all of me and all of my life because I embrace it all and continually choose in favor of my ideal life, loving where I'm at and growing and moving toward what more I want.

🙏Every single year, I take dozens of people through the Passion Test and help them design a life of intention, consciously creating what they want to experience in their lives. Every year, I get to watch those clients soar - transforming their relationships (especially with themselves) and their entire experience from one they thought they "had to deal with" into one that is fulfilling and joyful.

If you're tired, so tired like I was, of faking it, The Passion Test might be your pathway home to yourself. If you feel like you just have to "get through" another day, like I did, I promise you there is more in life for you. Are you ready to explore what's possible for you? Message me. Let's chat. If it's possible for me, it's possible for you. You're worthy and deserving of a life you love, now. 💗

#createalifeyoulove #selfrespect #selflove #wellbeing #happiness #purposefullife #clarity #thepassiontest

Exploring Conditioning and Personal Responsibility

There are special people in the world who, just by being in their presence, open us up to ourselves. Brian Berneman of The Conscious Action Podcast is one of those people. I had the pleasure of being his guest recently and the conversation was inspiring.

In our conversation, I share my story of how I came to leave my marriage of 15-years. Then, we talk about our conditioning and how to overcome it by taking personal responsibility for our life experience. Plus, so many more beautiful areas of conscious living.

If you’re feeling stuck in any kind of situation and want to connect with the part of you that has the courage to overcome it, I encourage you to have a listen. Then, let me know what you think. Have you been through a similar situation or are you there now? Reach out. Email me. Let’s talk.