The Gift of Authentic Happiness is Yours!

This week I hosted a free, virtual, 2-hour Masterclass on Authentic Happiness - Creating Greater Happiness from the Inside Out. It was fun, people interacted, laughed, smiled, and left feeling happier than they did when we started.

I’m so lucky and grateful that I get live this life. I feel on fire almost every single day and when I don’t, it’s because it’s time to rest and renew. I get to, not only live on purpose, but work my purpose. This isn’t the case for everyone, but what is true for everyone is that you can cultivate more purpose and meaning in your life, so that it feels more lit up and happy.

I’m gifting this Masterclass to anyone motivated enough to watch it this week. I’ll keep it up through Saturday or Sunday, and then down it comes.

Then, I invite you to book a free call with me - and you can book before you watch it if you know in your heart it’s time for you to take action and create a life you love, now. Click here to schedule your Pathway to Happiness call where we’ll identify your biggest block and your most efficient path toward greater happiness. You deserve it. It’s possible. Give yourself the gift of 30 focused minutes with me to get you on your way with simple, effective steps that, when used, will begin to make a difference in your life immediately.

I’m so excited to hear from you after you watch the class and book your call, so be sure to comment or reach out directly. And feel free to share this with someone who could benefit. We’ll create a better world together, one happier person at a time.

Attention Overwhelmed and Unhappy People!

Are you feeling unhappy and overwhelmed? You want to love life, but there’s too much stress and too many people who are asking for more each and every day?

We all want to be happier and did you know that greater happiness doesn’t just feel better, but that happier people actually sleep better, live an average of 9-years longer, and make around a million dollars more over the course of their lifetime than their unhappier counterparts? 

Unhappiness is an epidemic, but the good news is that science has actually cracked the happiness code and so have I! We now know what it takes to be happier and I’ve supported hundreds of people using this process to cultivate lasting happiness in their lives and I want to share it with you. 

Our happiness impacts every aspect of our lives!Imagine what your life will feel like when you feel better in your body, you’re more purposeful  in your work, and you’re enjoying deeper, more fulfilling relationships? 

Ready for greater happiness? Register here:

In this free Masterclass - Authentic Happiness - 3 Keys to Creating Greater Happiness from the Inside Out! I’ll share the structure that I’ve created, used for myself to move from misery to being one of the happiest people I know, and that I’ve utilized to coach hundreds of people into greater happiness. You’ll

  • Lay the foundation for authentic happiness,

  • Rediscover what makes you feel alive, and

  • Practice strategies to teach you your full body aligned 'yes' and 'no'

    so that you can start to fall in love with your life.

    Register now to attend:

    Register to attend:
    *** You must click the link to register to attend, in advance! Be sure to register through the link today!

From Stuck and Sad to Fulfilled and Joyful! Creating A Life I Love (and you can, too!)

9 Years ago today, I woke up in Oslo, Norway, ready to begin a training that would change the course of my entire life.

At the time, I had given up trying to make my marriage work (I had already tried everything). Instead, I was trying to figure out how to find myself again. I was so lost in the years of giving away my voice for my then-husband's comfort, trying everything to please him and be a "good wife." I barely knew who I was anymore, but I knew that I wanted be a better mom than I was being and I wanted to feel happy again. I wanted to feel at peace with where I was in my life and to stop wishing for it to be different.

The day I woke up in Oslo, divorce still wasn't an option in my mind. My family was my priority, or so I thought.

Over the course of 4 long, intense days of deep inner work with the love and accountability of Janet Attwood herself (creator of The Passion Test) and her amazing trainers, my heart broke free. My soul started singing again. My stuck mindset began to shift and I tapped into my dreams of what I wanted for my life again. My life. Not my husband's. Mine. 🫶 There I was.

My #1 Passion became "I am living authentically from my heart and soul." I learned the formula to make that a reality and the secret that guaranteed it and I began to live it. No more lying to myself. No more Stepford Wife to make sure my husband didn't get mad at me for being me. No more. I had felt the spark of my authentic self once again, for the first time in so many years, and I was never going to let it fade out again. I still haven't. 💖

Another passion, though I can't recall where it fell in my top 5, was "I am experiencing a happy, harmonious family life." I wasn't considering divorce yet, but I also wasn't making it about my husband or my marriage, specifically. One of my markers for that passion was that I "speak with loving kindness to my children," and that I hear them laughing and playing respectfully together all of the time. They were little at the time - just 8, 7, and 4.

➡️Fast forward to last night - I'm happily divorced and even more happily partnered with an incredible man who loves me for exactly who I am. He's still in Florida, where we recently took an amazing vacation together. My kids and I were having dinner together in our beautiful home. I felt my heart growing in my chest, bursting with love and gratitude as I watched them interacting, talking, laughing together, with respect. With kindness. My 3 teenagers do not fight. My kids haven't fought with each other for years. Once I began modeling calm, respectful, loving tones and behaviors, my kids reflected it, too. We have a beautifully happy and harmonious family life today (with the realistic challenges and struggles that teens dealing with anxiety, gender identity, and puberty along with the good stuff).

⚡️Every single year, sometimes twice, I make a new list of passions and continually align my life with what matters the most to me, now. Every single year, my life gets more and more beautiful from the inside out. Every single year, I am more *me* than ever and I love and respect the woman that I am. The beautiful parts, the raw parts, the clumsy parts, the fun parts... all of me. I love all of me and all of my life because I embrace it all and continually choose in favor of my ideal life, loving where I'm at and growing and moving toward what more I want.

🙏Every single year, I take dozens of people through the Passion Test and help them design a life of intention, consciously creating what they want to experience in their lives. Every year, I get to watch those clients soar - transforming their relationships (especially with themselves) and their entire experience from one they thought they "had to deal with" into one that is fulfilling and joyful.

If you're tired, so tired like I was, of faking it, The Passion Test might be your pathway home to yourself. If you feel like you just have to "get through" another day, like I did, I promise you there is more in life for you. Are you ready to explore what's possible for you? Message me. Let's chat. If it's possible for me, it's possible for you. You're worthy and deserving of a life you love, now. 💗

#createalifeyoulove #selfrespect #selflove #wellbeing #happiness #purposefullife #clarity #thepassiontest

Practical Happiness - 3 Keys to Easily Lower Your Stress & Up-Level Your Joy! (Replay) A Free Masterclass!

Yesterday, I hosted a free, 90-minute Masterclass and it was so much fun and jam-packed with value, that I’m offering the replay free for the entire month of December. At first, I was only going to share it for the weekend, but now, more than ever, we need the skills of happiness.

That’s why I call it “Practical Happiness.” It’s all about practicing skills until they become habits and then our way of being - which we requires that we continue to practice.

So, as my gift to you, please enjoy this Masterclass. I would be grateful if you’d like and share it, and even subscribe to my YouTube Channels for more fun conversations and encouragement.

My podcast can be found here and my personal channel here.

Free, Virtual Masterclass with Tamara Zoner.

After you’ve watched it, share your biggest takeaway! Then, if you’re ready to up-level your life, join me on the Deep Dive!

Self-Talk - Supportive or Sabotaging?

Our Self-Talk makes us or breaks us. That voice in your head speaking to you all day every day is what creates our level of self-esteem. Do we speaking lovingly and supportively to ourselves? Or are we calling ourselves names and bullying ourselves all day long?

In this interview with Rachel Astarte, we chat about self-love and self-talk. I share how I moved from an unhappy, toxic marriage to being one of the happiest people I know and that most people know! If you’re in a place where life just doesn’t feel like you know that it’s meant to, I invite you to have a listen. You’ll learn the difference between happiness and contentment, what happiness really is, and that it is truly in your own hands. Plus, why it’s important to put your attention on your own happiness!

You can learn more about Rachel here!

The Path of the Conscious Creator

Today, I’m writing to the Conscious Creators out there. Those of you, who by choice, or a higher guidance that you can’t ignore no matter how hard you try, are driven to constantly, with or through imperfect action, toward your ideal life. A life most fully expressed through and by you.

This is not the easy path. The easy path is the one that is programmed into us from birth. That check list of 1. Go to school, 2. Get a good job, 3. Get married, 4. Buy a home, 5. Have kids, 6. Live happily ever after.

The thing is, most of us don’t live happily ever after. Some feel mild discontent in this societally conditioned and acceptable path, yet rarely question it. Some attempt to alleviate their dissatisfaction, or worse - pain, through drugs, alcohol, Netflix binges, or the internet in various forms. They are content in their discontent and would rather complain or cover than make the effort that change and fully living require.

Many of us begin to wake up as our discontent grows into desperately unhappy and we feel lost, even to ourselves. Here, we have two choices - stay and do as society expects OR start listening to, and being guided by, that higher voice; that Higher Guidance who put you here to have vibrant, fully experienced and expressed life.

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This is not the easy path. When it opens to you, when you begin to awaken, there is no turning back. We may pause temporarily, start to doze when we hit a comfortable spot, but something keeps nudging us, refusing to let us fall back to sleep. ”Comfortable,” or “Good enough,” aren’t the way of the Conscious Creator.

That voice inside will keep whispering to you, “Hey, this is nice, it ticks a lot of boxes, but it isn’t that ideal, shoot for the stars life that you want and you know it! You want passion and fire and the full depth of emotion and experience, remember? Are you comfortable right now or are you lit up from within? We hear this and we know that eventually, we are going to have to gather our courage and do hard things. We have to make difficult decisions that may not feel very good in the moment. Who wants to leave that cozy, comfortable job, or relationship, or whatever it is that’s keeping you from experiencing the life that you truly desire? Who wants to hurt people they care about?

Six years ago, I was contemplating divorce. It was finally easy for me to see, and admit, that the relationship was very unhealthy, but I wasn’t sure what to do because we have 3 children together. I spent a lot of time in tears on the floor of my bedroom asking for help from the Universe to guide me. After several days there and so many tears, the silence finally washed over me and I heard, “What is right for you is right for all.”

When you come to a decision from that place of silent, still, clarity within you and you know with every fiber of your being that the decision is right for you, then there is no doubt that it is also right for everyone involved. It isn’t right for one person and not the other, whether that’s a relationship, a job, or anything else. When you decide from that Highest Truth, not Ego, you can feel the difference with practice - then what is right is right for everyone, even if it doesn’t feel that way in the moment.

How do you know the difference between the Ego and the Higher Truth? The Ego feels disconnected from your body. The Higher Truth comes from that place deep within us and we can feel it with every part of our Being. It is always guiding us lovingly to our next steps, if not without intense sensations that might be described as painful. The Ego will be harsh and play on your fears. The Truth only comforts with love.

Some Higher Truths, those answers that come guiding us toward the next right step, are harder to carry out than others. Often, we wait until the Truth is no longer whispering, but fully shouting at us that it is time to move. Time to shift. Time to make the changes that support us in our growth and expansion, moving us closer to that ideal, fully expressed life. If you’re a Conscious Creator, practiced or new to this path, trust that the Courage will show up when you need it. And remember, you are not alone. You may look around and see no one quite like you in your life, but we’re out here, supporting you. We are all around, courageously creating and living the lives of our dreams one step forward at a time. You might recognize us by the people calling us either crazy or brave. We may be a little of both and life is meant to be lived!

Those of you on this path, and you must be or you wouldn’t still be reading this, come to recognize that the highest emotions, the ones typically judged as good or positive, like joy, happiness, aliveness, excitement, those will only ever be as good as we are willing to experience and express their opposites - the grief, the sadness, frustration, and hurt that so often come along with doing the hard things that are required to keep us moving forward.

If you’re feeling a call toward living more consciously, more courageously, I repeat, you’re not alone. You don’t have to do it all by yourself. Over the past 6 years, I’ve built a beautiful community of Conscious Creators locally through Now, we’re gathering from around the globe in a private Facebook Group. You can join us or you can join another group that speaks to your soul. Learn to notice and trust those intuitive nudges that guide you.

This is not the easy path. And it is so worth it.

You are loved. You are courageous. You are a Conscious Creator!